Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/43

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Juſtice of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, as the Caſe may require, are hereby authorized and empowered to take, ſhall be of the ſame Weight, Authority and Effect, as an Affidavit upon Oath: Provided always, that the ſeveral Powers and Authorities, hereby to proceed in Maritime Cauſes, and according to the Laws of the Admiralty, ſhall extend, and be conſtrued to extend only to the Subjects of Us, Our Heirs or Succeſſors, who ſhall reſide in the Kingdoms or Provinces of Bengal, Babar, and Oriſſa, or ſome of them, and to Perſons who ſhall, when the Cauſe of Suit or Complaint ſhall have ariſen, have been employed by, or ſhall then have been, directly or indirectly, in the Service of the ſaid United Company, or of any of Our Subjects.

Fines, &c. reſerved to the King.And We do hereby reſerve to Ourſelves, Our Heirs and Succeſſors, all Amerciaments, Fines, Ranſoms and Forfeitures, to be ſet and impoſed by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, or otherwiſe incurred: Satisfaction to be made to Proſecutors, out of Fines ſet by the Court. Provided always, that it ſhall be lawful, and We hereby authorize and empower the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, to make ſuch Satisfaction to Proſecutors of Informations, or Indictments, as to the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, ſhall ſeem reaſonable and fit, out of any Fine, to be by them ſet or impoſed, upon any Perſon or Perſons, who ſhall be convicted on ſuch Proſecutions.

Appeal allowed to the King in Council, from the Supreme Court, in Civil Cauſes, by Petition to that Court.And it is Our further Will and Pleaſure, and We hereby direct, eſtabliſh and ordain, that if any Perſon ſhall find him, her, or themſelves aggrieved, by any Judgment, Decree, Order or Rule, of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, in any Caſe whatſoever, it ſhall, and may be lawful, for him and them to appeal to Us, Our Heirs or Succeſſors, in Our or their Privy Council, in ſuch Manner, and under ſuch Reftrictions and Qualifications, as are hereinafter mentioned, that is to ſay, in all Judgments, Decrees, or Decretal Orders, made by the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, in any Civil Cauſe, the Party and Parties, againſtwhom