Page:Letters Patent, Establishing a Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William, in Bengal.pdf/47

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that Purpoſe, forthwith after their reſpective Arrivals, at the ſaid Town of Calcutta, in Bengal aforeſaid; Chief Juſtice to be ſworn: and before they ſhall proceed to execute the above-mentioned Powers or Authorities, or any of them, the ſaid Chief Juſtice ſhall then and there take an Oath, in the moſt ſolemn Manner, that he will, to the beſt of his Knowledge, Skill and Judgment, duly and juſtly execute the Office of Chief Juſtice, of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature; at Fort-William in Bengal, and impartially adminiſter Juſtice in every Cauſe, Matter or Thing, which ſhall come before him, and ſhall alſo take the Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, and make and ſubſcribe the Declaration againſt Tranſubſtantiation, in ſuch Manner and Form as the ſame are by Law appointed to be taken or made in Great-Britain, of which Oaths a Record ſhall be forthwith made: And We do hereby authorize the ſaid Puiſne Juſtices, or ſo many of them as ſhall be ſo aſſembled, to adminiſter the ſaid Oaths and Declarations, and make ſuch Record thereof accordingly; Puiſne Juſtices to be ſworn: after which the ſaid Puiſne Juſtices, or ſo many of them as ſhall then and there be preſent, ſhall take the like Oaths, and make and ſubſcribe the like Declarations, only changing what ought to be changed for that Purpoſe, before the ſaid Chief Juſtice, of which Oaths alſo a Record ſhall be forthwith made: And We do hereby authorize the ſaid Chief Juſtice to adminiſter the ſaid Oaths and Declarations, and record the ſame accordingly; or if the ſaid Chief Juſtice, or any other of the ſaid Juſtices; ſhall be dead, or unavoidably abſent, by Sickneſs or otherwiſe, We do hereby authorize the next Juſtice of the ſaid Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort-William in Bengal, who ſhall be there preſent, to take and adminiſter the ſaid Oaths, and act, in all Reſpects, as the Chief Juſtice ſhould have done: All future Juſtices to be ſworn before they can act.And We do hereby further ordain and eſtabliſh, that all and every ſucceeding Chief Juſtice and Puiſne Juſtices ſhall, before he or they be capable of exerciſing the ſaid Office, reſpectively take, in open Court, the like Oaths, and make and ſubſcribe the like Declaration, only changing what ought to be changed for that Purpoſe, whereof Records ſhall be made and filed among the other Records of the Court, from Time to Time; and after the ſaid Chief Juſtice and PuiſneJuſtices,