Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/15

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day and howled all night, will be happier when he sees us. My health is very much improved; and so good-bye, God bless you all!

I hope you will not hear of us again till we arrive at Madeira.

Ever, dearest, your own

E. E.

This is George’s hair—all I could cut, at its greatest length.


Funchal, Wednesday, October 14, 1835.

I must put the date as soon as I catch up anybody who can give me the day of the week and month; but I have a clear idea that we landed here on the Tuesday week (at three) after we left Portsmouth—exactly a ten days’ passage to an hour; and that it is supposed to have been one of the most prosperous and quick passages ever made, without a single check or accident. But such a job as I made of it!—as sick as death the whole way, after the first two hours; and the last five days I never got out of bed, nor dressed myself. Oh, dear! what work it is! The last night I was so ill that I was