Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/153

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George got a note from him: ‘My Lord’s Nazir have very bad stomach pain’ (it was a stronger word than stomach). ‘Native doctor give him much physic. I cannot wait on my Lord to-day. Nazir.’ Mine came to me the other morning, saying, ‘Ladyshib, Beebee Wright wish to borrow me for half hour. She no make washerwoman understand,’ so I gave Beebee Wright the loan of him.


Government House, Wednesday, April 1836.

My dearest ——, There are two or three ships going off within three or four days of each other, so we are sending a few letters by each, and I have no doubt that the first will be last, and so on.

We have sent in the ‘Jupiter’ a box full of little trifling things such as we could pick up, and there is a very small Japan box for you, not the least attractive; but a China ship arrived this week with little knick-knacks, and as Calcutta produces nothing indigenous to the soil, and we are not allowed to go shopping, we were obliged to put up with what we could get. I suppose, in time, we shall see tempting articles, and then