Page:Letters from India Vol 1.djvu/347

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and I wish they were safely home now; they will be back this day week.

We had a good sermon on Good Friday, and another to-day, but the heat at the altar was beyond anything; there was no punkah there, and there are no glass windows to this church, so the hot air came pouring in as if we were in an oven, and I saw two or three people obliged to go away from the altar quite faint, and come back again as it came round to their turn.

George’s new school has been open this last fortnight, and some of the little native boys already read a fable in one syllable. It is astonishing how quick they are when they choose to learn. I have an idea of giving the monitors, when they have any, a muslin dress apiece. At present the school, though composed of boys of a very good caste, is very slightly clothed, if at all.

I have not written to —— by this ship, which hurts my feelings, but they said it would not go till the end of the week. Will you tell her so? There will be another ship. in ten days. God bless you, my dear!

Yours most affectionately,

E. E.

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