Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/262

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Letters of Cortes

I had arrived in the city of Temixtitan, and, having seen something of it, although little in proportion to the amount there is to be seen and noted, it appeared to me, even from what I had seen of it and the country, that it would be conducive to Your Royal Highness's service, and to our security, that Montezuma should be in my power, and not at his entire liberty, so that he might not relax his intention and disposition to serve Your Highness. I thought this, especially because we Spaniards are somewhat touchy and importunate, and, if he should happen to become angry, he could do us such injury with his great power, that there would remain no recollection of us; and also because, having him in my power, all the other countries who were subject to him, would come to the knowledge and service of Your Majesty, as afterwards happened.

I determined to seize him, and confine him in my quarters, which are very strong; and, thinking over all the forms and ways in which I could accomplish this, without provoking any scan
Cortes Plans
to Seize
dal or commotion upon his arrest, I remembered what my captain at Vera Cruz had written about the occurrence in the city of Almeria, as I have related, and how it had become known, that all that had happened there had taken place by Montezuma's command. I stationed sufficient guards in the cross streets, and went to the palace of Montezuma, as I had at other times gone to see him; and, after conversing with him lightly on pleasant subjects, and after he had given me some valuables in gold, and one of his daughters, and some daughters of other lords to some of my companions, I told him that I had learned what had happened in the city of Nautecal, or Almeria, and about the Spaniards whom they had killed there, and that Qualpopoca gave as his excuse, that all he had done had been by Montezuma's order, and that, as his vassal, he could not