Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/297

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Second Letter

those who acted to the contrary would be very severely treated. Many other things contained in the said letters were reported by the cleric and those who came with him.

Almost simultaneously, there arrived one of the Spaniards who had gone to Quacucalco, bringing letters from his captain, one Velasquez de Leon, who informed me that the expedition in the port was under Panfilo de Narvaez, who came in the name of Diego Velasquez. This Leon forwarded me a letter which Narvaez had sent him by an Indian for he was a relative of Diego Velasquez, and brother-in-law of Narvaez), telling him how he had learned from my messengers that Leon was there with those people, and bidding him come back immediately with them, because, by so acting, he would fulfil his obligations towards his relative; that he believed I held him by force, and other similar things which Narvaez wrote to him. The captain being more devoted to Your Majesty's service, not only declined to accept what Narvaez told him in his letter, but, after having sent the letter to me, immediately left to join me with all his forces. Afterwards I informed myself from that cleric, and the two who accompanied him, respecting many things concerning the intentions of Diego Velasquez and Narvaez; how they had despatched that armada and force against me, because, instead of to Diego Velasquez, I had sent to Your Majesty the description of this country, and the presents; and how they came with evil designs to kill me, and many of my company whom they had already designated. I ascertained likewise that the licentiate Figueroa, the judge residing in the island of Hispaniola, and Your Highness's judges and officials there, when they learned that Diego Velasquez was preparing this armada, and his intention in so doing, had perceived the harm and injury which would result to Your Majesty by their coming, and had sent one of the said judges, the licentiate, Lucas