Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu/333

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Second Letter

ditions could be found for the colonists. And for the purpose of carrying this out, I, in the name of Your Majesty, gave the said town the name of Segura de la Frontera,[1] and I named alcaldes and municipal and other officers as is customary; and, for the better security of the householders of this town, materials are being brought to build a fort on the place I designated; as materials hereabouts are of good quality, all possible haste shall be employed.

While writing this account, messengers came to me from the chief of the city, called Guacachula,[2] about five leagues from this province, and situated at the entrance of a pass leading to the province of Mexico. They told me, on behalf of the said chief, that several days before they had intended to come to me to tender the obedience they owed to Your Majesty, as your vassals, and I must not consider them culpable, believing their failure to do so was voluntary. They told me that some captains of Culua were lodged in their city, and that in it and about a league distant were thirty thousand men in garrison, guarding that pass, to prevent our crossing it, and also to prevent the natives of their city and other neighbouring provinces from serving Your Majesty, and becoming our friends; and they said they would have come to offer themselves to Your Royal service, had those men not prevented them. They let me know this that I might remedy it, because, besides the obstruction it was to those who were well disposed, the people of the city and neighbourhood suffered much injury, as they were taxed and ill-treated by the many armed warriors who took their women and chattels. If I would help them, they said they would obey any orders I gave them.

  1. The city was founded early in September, 1520, on the hillside, in a position both strategically and commercially advantageous; fortifications were built and strict laws against gambling, blaspheming, etc., were enacted. The present town is called Tepeaca, and stands on the plain.
  2. Huaquechula: another republic: also spelled Guaquechula.