Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/392

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Cacamatzin, king of Texcoco, I, 249
note on, 249
Cacao, I, 244
Cagoatan, character of country, II. 239
Caltanmic, I, 196
Canal, built at Texcoco, II, 58
Canec, lord of Taiza, II, 271
conversion of, 272
Cannibalism, provisions for Indian troops, II, 104
feasting of the Allies, 111
Cortes punishes, 244
Canno, Sebastian del, death of, II, 349
Cannon, the silver, II, 211, 212
Catapult, failure of the, II, 117, 118
Catoche, note on, I, 127
battle at, 134
crosses at, 175
Catzolcin, note on, II, 161
Causeway, approaching Mexico, I, 233
camp on the, II, 70
Cempoal, I, 190
Chalchuihcuecan, I, 247
II, 334
Chalco, I, 226
II, 22ff
Chapagua, town of, II, 317
Cherubusco, II, 54
Chichemecatl, exploits during siege, II, 31, 98, 102
Chichimecas, expedition against, and note on, II, 353
Chihuacoatl, II, 125
Chila, town and lake, II, 171
Chilapan, town of, II, 240
Chinantla, events in, and note on, II, 56, 57
Chirino, Pero Armildez, note on, II, 230
Bishop Zumarraga's account of his conduct, 362ff
Cholula, note on, I, 212
embassy from, 215
arrival of Cortes at, 216
massacre at, 217ff
feud with Tlascala, 220
description of city, 220
Citlatepetl, II, 146
Citlatlepoc, II, 56
Civilisation, origins of Mexican, I, 336ff
Coanacochtzin, note on, II, 13
Coatelicamat, description of his country, I, 243
Coatlinchan, II, 14
Coatzacoalco, river of, I, 245
Coins, values of, I, 136
Colhua, I, 225
Columbus, Diego, congress Cuba, I, 6
note on, 123
his expedition to Panuco, II, 170
Communidades, note on, II, 168
Conspiracy at Vera Cruz, I, 167, 189
Cordoba, Francisco Fernandez de, expedition, I, 15, 125
death, 16
Corral, Cristobal, II, 43
Cortes, Fernando, birth and family, I, 3
education and early life, 4ff
quarrel with Velasquez, 10
appointed commander by Velasquez, 19, 138
sails for Cozumel, 25
policy towards Indians, 25
character of his men, 26
compared with Cæsar, 27
dealings with Tapia, 29, 138ff
diplomacy of, 30ff
influences governing his conduct, 35
Prescott's opinion, 36, 37
his Christianity, 38
dialogue with Penn, 39
justifying motives, 42
relations with women, 42ff
second marriage, 44, 55
expedition to Yucatan, 44
Charnay's estimation of, 45
friendship for Indians, 47
later difficulties of, 49
accusations against, 50
returns to Spain, 51
honours conferred on, 54
his emeralds, 55
arrival in Mexico, 57ff
expeditions in Pacific Ocean, 59ff
Voltaire's anecdote on, 61
last letter to Charles V. 62ff
death of, 66
funeral in Mexico, 69
mystery of burial place 69ff
last will, 77ff
negotiations at Cozumel, 139ff
rescues Spaniards in Yucatan, 141
at Tabasco, 146ff
founds Vera Cruz, 157
first description of Mexico, 160ff
destroys his ships, 189
at Cempoal, 190
at Xochimilco, 194
first news of Tlascala, 197
his standard, 203
murmurings against, 206
alliance with Tlascala, 207
ideas of justice, 215
enters Cholula, 216
massacre and results in Cholula, 217ff
arrives at Chalco, 226
enters Mexico, 232
first meeting with Montezuma, 234
plans to take Montezuma prisoner, 238
reports on mines and agriculture, 242-4
searches for harbour, 245ff
describes Mexico, 256ff