Page:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu/395

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Laws, sumptuary, in Mexico, II, 218
Loaysa, Garcia Jofre de, fate of his expedition, II, 349
Malinalco, II, 100
Malinaltepeque, gold from, I, 243
Maquahuitl, described, I, 202
Marina, I, 42ff
first mentioned, 217
note on, 327ff
with Cortes in Honduras, II, 273
Market-place, in city of Mexico, 257ff
attack on, II, 92
Spaniards repulsed at, 96
note on, 97ff
Martyr, Peter de Angleria, life and writings, I, 115
Massacre of Mexican nobles, I, 349ff
Matalcingo, expedition against, II, 103ff
Maxixcatzin, I, 207
kindness to Cortes, 303
holds Tlascala to the Spanish alliance, 319
death of, II, 7
Mazatl, execution of, II, 326
Medellin, in Estremadura, birthplace of Cortes, I, 3
in Mexico, foundation and naming of, II, 135
transfer of, 206
Medrano, II, 88
Melchor, captured by Cordoba, I, 16
interprets for Cortes, 25
Melgarejo, Fray Pedro, arrives at Vera Cruz, II, 40
at Tacuba, 51
note on, 138
negotiations with Cristobal de Tapia, 138ff
Mendoza, Alonzo de, II, 3
Merlo, Rodrigo de, slave-hunting, II. 333
Metztithlan, II, 164
Mexicalcingo, description of, I, 232
adheres to Cortes, II, 41
Mexico, description by Cortes, I, 256ff|
fighting in, 287ff
note on, 330ff
civilisation of, 336ff
siege of, II, 60
completely invested, 71
first general assault on, 73ff
second general assault on, 80
third general assault on, 82ff
defection of vassals, 84, 85
note on, 88
gallant defence of, 95ff
destruction begins, 108ff
suffering in, 112
fall of, 125
note on, 127
rebuilding of, 135, 201, 202
notes on new divisions of, 202, 203
Michoacan, messengers to Cortes, II, 130
note on, 131
messengers return from, 136
disaffection of Spaniards in, 162
Mixquic, II, 54
Monjaraz, Andres de, I 43 s,
Montaño, Francisco deprisocures sulphur from volcano, II, 205
Montejo, Francisco de, I, 160, 179
Montezuma, Spaniards first hear of, I, 17
his ambassadors to Cortes, 34, 148
note on, 187
second embassy to Cortes, 211
efforts to stop Cortes, 227
receives Cortes, 233
discourse of, 234ff
imprisoned, 238ff
in chains, 240
betrays Cacamatzin 249
speech to his nobles, 251
his empire, 263
palaces, 265ff
etiquette, 267
death of, 288, 351ff
Moreno, Pedro, his conduct in Honduras, II, 312ff
report of intrigues at Naco, 328
Motolinia, Fray Toribio, life and writings, I, 115
Naco, note on, II, 284
Spaniards at, 290
Narvaez, Panfilo de, arrival in Mexico, I, 269
his designs, 271
note on, 272
negotiations with Cortes, 278ff
defeat of, 282
Natividad, foundation of, II, 304
Nautlan, II, 41
Nieto, Diego, II, 286
Night, the Sorrowful, I, 296ff
Nito, note on, II, 284
Spaniards settled there, 284ff
their sad plight, 286
desperate situation of Cortes at, 289
Oaxaca, I, 317
expedition against, II, 133ff
Obsidian, note on, II, 198
Ocampo, Diego de, note on, II, 163
Ocupatuyo, I, 313
Ojeda, adventures and death of, II, 179
Olea, Cristobal de, at Xochimilco, II, 50
death of, 95, 97