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try, where he i- wandering T know net where, with liis wife and Ruthy, having quitted the vessel! at Marblehead upon hearing thai the 3ame spirit prevail'd there as in the other colonies, together with find- ing it disagreable to the Congress that people should emigrate there, though previous to thai it was determin'd for his wife and Ruthy to leave her, as they had been three days beating in the bay and became so intolerable sick, that no perswasions could prevail on them to pro- ceed the voyage. Ruthy writes me in the utmost distress, and says her sister must inevitably have died. You must know thai we hir'd the vessel and were ready for sailing near a week before they went, hut alter we had had her in pay three week-, and lay'd out a hundred Dollars for accommodation, the Admiral bought her for Government use, but Stipulated that she should proceed to Halifax with our passen- gers, hut then we were oblig'd to wait his orders for sailing, he having appointed a commander and other officers to her with eight men, which were all to go with our Captain. Mate and hands, and we to victual lure, therefore you must think she was well man'd ; but having out- Stay'd a long -pell of fair winds, they'd no sooner sail'd hut head wind- came up and ohlig'd them to put into harbour as above, where they concluded to alter their plans, but was oblig'd to leave their provissions ami furniture on board; the admiral's commander being very willing to oblige them, by taking 'em out, if it had been in his power, but has finally carried them with him to Halifax, and what will become of them there, God only knows ! as a rumour prevails here that they have forc'd the troops from their posts there and destroy'd all the stores belonging to the King, in the dock yard, &ca. — that she being a Government vessell, will no doubt, meet with difficulty. — My honor oblig'd me to bear the same expences in voyage as though I had gone myself, therefore you must suppose much money to be dung away to no purpose, more especially if the furniture and provissious should he lost, having on hoard sufficient of every kind to go to housekeeping. By the last letter I received they seem inclin'd to go to Exeter, but not determin'd. I wish 'em well fix'd somewhere, to their satisfaction. When they are, I shall be much easier in my own mind, altho' amidst continual alarms and frequent battles. It cant but afford satisfaction to every well wisher to his country to find that providence smiles upon every of their undertakings.

It' Breck and his wife are with you please to shew 'em this, and tender my love to them all.

Your favor of the "2nd May p. Post, came to band but a few days

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