Page:Letters of John Andrews.djvu/42

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with business. Much less am I dispoa'd to lead an idle life: and if I caul employ my time to my own benefit I think the least 1 can do i- I., contribute all in my power to the amusement of my friends abroad a< well as at borne, in y! former of which I esteem you as the principal, and am happy in the thought, that like s< ntiments possess congt nial souls. [fthe budget by Mr. Breck dated the 1 7th a 29th instant affords you bul a moment's satisfaction, I am fully repaid for the part I have towards it ; as the dictates of trm friendship ev< r prompts us to wish our friends a participation in those matters that may prove agreeable. So much tor introduction: — will now proceed to acquaint you thai they met with no interruption in the business of their meeting at Roxbury yes- terday, save that Tsaac Winslow attended and declar'd his entire willingness to resign his couucellor-ship ; made an apology for his acceptance, and -aid that it was more owing to the perswasion of others than to his own inclinations.

Late in the evening a member waited upon Commodore Loring, and in a friendly way advis'd him to follow the example of his towns- man, lie desir'd time to consider of it. They granted it. but ac- quainted him. if he did not comply, he must expect to he waited upon by a larger number, actuated hv a different spirit. His principal ap- prehension was that he should lose his half fay.

The Superior Court, which sits here tins day. affords the only sub- ject for speculation which has turn'd up in the course of it. Judge Oliver having assum'd his seat at the bench (for the first time since his impeachment) caus'd a reluctance in the jury to serve, and they one and all absolutely ret'us'd. The Grand-jurors gave in their rea- sons in writing and the petit-jurors by a hare negative, save .Mr. Mifflin's cousin, Thomas Chase, who declar'd boldly "that his con- science would not let him take the oath whiles Peter Oliver sel upon the bench, who was under impeachment by the honorable house of representatives:" — upon which they were dismiss'd, and the Court adjourn'd till tomorrow, when the affair at Salem is to be reassum'd again, though the Governor is at present with us.

August .'SI-/. At sunset last evening I amus'd myself with a walk in the Mall, and could not lint admire at the subservient honors paid his Excellency, being attended by five or six field officers and two or three aid de camps, with eight orderly sergents at an atoful distance in the rear: parading up the street from Sheriff Greenleafs he met with 'Squire Edson, (a mere plowjogger to look at ) one of the new fan-led. refugee councellors, whose townsmen, at Bridgewater, after some

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