Page:Letters of John Andrews.djvu/83

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December 9tk. We have an account this day of a vessell having arriv'd at Salem in a short passage from Falmouth, but canl learn whether she has brought anything new or aot. Last evening Deacon Storer's wife took a final farewell of this transitory life.

December Wtk. We have had a continued succession of fowl weather since this day week, and last night it blew very hard. It is imagin'd that one of the Seventy four Gun Ships is run ashore, as they have heard the report of a continued quick succession of very heavy mettle since midnight. The Admiral has sent a schooner down this morning.

December llth. The Ship in distress on fryday night turns out to be the Glasgow of twenty guns from Halifax, who has lost her keel and rudder with some of her men. Yesterday a Sergent went off with about £40 sterling, which was intrusted to him to pay off the Soldiers. He got away by the assistance of a chaise, which carried him beyond the Guards.

Decemhrr I2tk. Yesterday r.M. the Royal Irish remov'd from their quarters in your uncle Green's distilhouse, to go on board the transports, as the smell of the lees in the cisterns added to their urine, has caus'd an infectious distemper among 'cm, whereby two or three have dropt down dead of a day. The same mortallity has prevail'd, though in a less degree, in some of the other distillhouses. I dont [know?] any that have got half so good barracks as those oppo- site our house, though you must be sensible, Bill, that they are not very agreeable neighbours.

December 13th. This morning the Welch fusileers, together with a detachment from another regiment, form'd a body of 400 men, and equip'd with knapsacks &ca,, march out of town as far a- the punch bowl in Brooklyne, when they return'd again. What this manoeuvre can be for, I cant imagine, other than to give the men an airing, or with a view to make frequent feints of the kind in order to familiarize the people to it, whereby in future they may make an irruption into the country without creating any suspicion of their design, or possibly to make the Soldiers acquainted with the different roads near the town.

December 14///. Another Regiment's performing the same manceu- vre this day, and taking a different road, looks a little like as though my suspicions are well founded.

December loth. This day was celebrated our annual Thanksgiving, recommended by the provincial Congress. Last evening my sister Breek was deliver'd of a fine boy, and what's remarkable, she was deliver'd of a daughter the last thanksgiving eve.

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