Page:Letters of Junius, volume 2 (Woodfall, 1772).djvu/13

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ture, has not yet been clearly ſtated to the public, nor have the conſequences of it been ſufficiently underſtood. Had I taken it up at an earlier period, I ſhould have been accuſed of an uncandid, malignant precipitation, as if I watched for an unfair advantage againſt the miniſtry, and would not allow them a reaſonable time to do their duty. They now ſtand without excuſe. Inſtead of employing the leiſure they have had, in a ſtrict examination of the offence, and puniſhing the offenders, they ſeem to have conſidered that indulgence as a ſecurity to them, that, with a little time and management, the whole affair might be buried in ſilence, and utterly forgotten.

[1]A major general of the army is arreſted by the ſheriff's officers for a conſiderable debt. He perſuades them to conduct him to the Tilt-yard, in St. James's Park, under some pretence of busineſs, which it imported him to settle before he was confined. He applies to a ſerjeant, not immediately on duty, to aſſiſt with ſome of his companions in favouring his eſcape. He attempts it. A buſtle

  1. Major-General Ganſel.
B 2