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Letters concerning

probable that the Earth has true attractive Power.

This Fore-runner in Philoſophy was alſo an elegant Writer, an Hiſtorian and a Wit.

His moral Eſſays are greatly eſteem'd, but they were drawn up in the View of inſtructing rather than of pleaſing: And as they are not a Satyr upon Mankind, like Rochefoucault's Maxims, nor written upon a ſceptical Plan, like Montagne's Eſſays, they are not ſo much read as thoſe two ingenious Authors.

His Hiſtory of Henry the Seventh was look'd upon as a Maſter-Piece, but how is it poſſible that ſome Perſons can preſume to compare ſo little a Work with the Hiſtory of our illuſtrious Thuanus?

Speaking about the famous Impoſtor Perkin, Son to a converted[1] Jew, who aſſum'd boldly the Name and Title of Richard the Fourth, King of England, at the Inſtigation of the Ducheſs of Burgundy; and who diſputed the


  1. John Oſbeck.