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the English Nation.

Alkalies and ſubtile Matter; but Attraction prevails even in Chymiſtry among the Engliſh.

The very Eſſence of Things is totally chang'd. You neither are agreed upon the Definition of the Soul, nor on that of Matter. Deſcartes, as I obſerv'd in my laſt, maintains that the Soul is the ſame Thing with Thought, and Mr. Locke has given a pretty good Proof of the contrary.

Descartes aſſerts farther, that Extenſion alone conſitutes Matter, but Sir Iſaac adds Solidity to it. How furiouſly contradictory are theſe Opinions!

Non noſtrum inter vos tantas componere lites. Virgil, Eclog. III.

'Tis not for us to end ſuch great Diſputes.

This famous Newton, this Deſtroyer of the Carteſian Syſtem, died in March Anno 1727. His Countrymen honour'd him in his Life-Time, and interr'd him
