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Letters concerning

Infinites, than at the ſo well known Propoſition, viz. that Curve Lines may always be made to paſs between a Circle and a Tangent; or at that other, namely that Matter is diviſible in infinitum. Theſe two Truths have been demonſtrated many Years, and are no leſs incomprehenſible than the Things we have been ſpeaking of.

For many Years the Invention of this famous Calculation was denied Sir Iſaac Newton. In Germany Mr. Leibnitz was conſider'd as the Inventor of the Differences or Moments, call'd [1]Fluxions, and Mr. Bernouilli claim'd the integral Calculation. However, Sir Iſaac is now thought to have firſt made the Diſcovery, and the other two have the Glory of having once made the World doubt whether 'twas to be aſcrib'd to him or them. Thus ſome conteſted with Dr. Harvey the Invention of the Circulation of the Blood, as others diſputed with Mr. Perrault that of the Circulation of the Sap.


  1. By Sir Iſaac Newton.