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Letters concerning

maticks for Phyſick, for Reſearches into Antiquity, for Painting, Sculpture and Achitecture. Lewis the Fourteenth has immortaliz'd his Name by theſe ſeveral Foundations, and this Immortality did not coſt him two hundred thouſand Livres a Year.

I must confeſs that one of the Things I very much wonder at, is, that as the Parliament of Great-Britain have promis'd a Reward of twenty thouſand Pounds Sterling to any Perſon who may diſcover the Longitude, they ſhould never have once thought to imitate Lewis the Fourteenth in his Munificence with regard to the Arts and Sciences.

Merit indeed meets in England with Rewards of another kind, which redound more to the Honour of the Nation. The Engliſh have ſo great a Veneration for exalted Talents, that a Man of Merit in their Country is always ſure of making his Fortune. Mr. Addiſon in France would have been elected a Member of one of the Academies, and, by the Credit of ſome Women, might have obtain'd a year-
