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Fundamental Laws of Matter and Energy.

Its momentum and kinetic energy will change according to (11) and (12) by the amounts




. (13)

So far the equations are those of Newtonian mechanics, but now in substituting for M from equation (10) we must regard m as a variable and write

. (14)

This will be our fundamental equation connecting the kinetic energy of a body with its mass and velocity.

Introducing now the relation of mass to energy given in equation (7) we may write,


and combining this equation with (14) gives


This equation, containing only two variables, m and v and the constant V, may readily be integrated as follows. By a simple transformation


Writing β=v/V, and noting that


we see that




where log m0 is the integration constant. Therefore


. (15)

This is the general expression for the mass of a moving body in terms of β, the ratio of its velocity to the velocity of