Page:Library Administration, 1898.djvu/126

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Thus, Real - Encyclopaedie des class. Alterthums . . . Von Bahr, Baumstark . . . unddem Herausgeber Aug. Pauly, is catalogued under the first word, with a cross-reference from Pauly only.

(2) A single work by a number of authors goes under the first or most prominent author, with cross-references from the others.

When no author is mentioned on the title-page, the author's name, if otherwise ascertainable, forms the heading, and a cross-reference is made from the anonymous heading. This latter is not made when the authorship may be presumed to be known to every one. Thus an anonymous edition of the " Bride of Lammermoor " goes under Scott, without any other entry. On the other hand, if the name of a book is much better known than that of its author, the main entry is under the " anonymous " heading that the book would have if it were anonymous, and there is a cross-reference from the name of the author.

When the author's name is not known, the heading is taken from the "real" part of the title, i.e. that part which indicates the contents of the book. The first substantive (or the nominative case of it) is the word selected, so that Philosophical Transactions appears under Transactions. Words like Commentatio, Dissertatio, Tractatus, Abhandlung, are discarded, and an index of words thus discarded must be made. Personal and place names do not take precedence of other substantives. The names of translators, and even editors, of books or collec-