Page:Library Administration, 1898.djvu/48

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have not been brought into line with the others. Proposals have at different times been made to have their libraries supported and their librarians paid by the Government, with a view to enforcing entrance examinations, but the provinces have always successfully resisted. At present the State only exercises influence by periodical inspections, and through the library committees.

The selection of the staff for Prussian libraries is effected on lines no less stringent than in France. According to a decree of 15th December 1893, coming into force on Ist April 1894, the requirements of a candidate are: (1) the Reifezeugnis[1] of some German "humanistisches Gymnasium," (higher classical school) ; (2) to have passed with credit the first examination in theology, law, or medicine, or the examination for position of teacher in a Hohere Schule or to have obtained a doctor's degree at a German university ; (3) a certificate of good conduct ; (4) a medical certificate ; (5) the possession of sufficient means for support during two years' study ; (6) a short biography of the candidate, written by himself ; (7) his certificate of military service ; (8) testimonials concerning his university career and any later occupation.

These requirements being fulfilled, the candidate is admitted to the position of "freiwilliger" or volunteer, and serves as such for two years, during which time his work shall be so arranged as to give

  1. Certificate of having passed the final school examination, which alone qualifies for admission to a university.