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Apdumoti (-moju, -mojau, -mosiu), v. a. to consider; to deliberate; to think over.

Apdumti (-miu, -miau, -msiu), v. a. to blow or drift upon; to cover with dust. — kam akis, to dupe; to deceive; to make one a fool.

Apduoti (-duodu, -daviau, -duosiu), v. a. to give to every one; ‖ [apnuodyti] to infect with anything fatal; to poison. — żiurkżolēmis, to poison one with ratsbane.

Apdżiugti (-džiungu, -džiugau, -džiugsiu), v. n. to rejoice; to delight; to be delighted.

Apdżiuti (-džiustu, -džiuvau, -džiusiu), v. n. to dry up.

Apeiga, -os, sf. solemnization; celebration: ceremony.

Apeiti (-einu, -ējau, -eisiu), v. a. to go around, to visit. Tai manęs visai neapeina, I have nothing to do with it; it is nothing to me.

Apelsina, -os, sf. orange.

Apēmimas, -o, sm. embrace; ‖ [miesto, pilies] taking; conquest; occupation.

Apēmis, -io, sm. circumference; compass; size; extent.

Apeninai, , sm. pl. (kalnai) Apennines; Apennine mountains.

Apēsti (-ēdu, -ēdżiau, -ēsiu), v. a. to eat all around.

Apetitas, -o, sm. appetite.

Apgailauti (-lauju, -lavau, -lausiu), Apgailistauti (-stauju, -stavau, -stausiu), v. a. n. to be sorry for; to regret; to grieve at; to lament; to repent.

Apgailavimas, Apgailistavimas, -o, sm. regret; grief; sorrow.

Apgalējimas, -o, sm. defeating; surmounting; victory.

Apgalētas, f. -ta, defin. -tasis, f. -toji, prt. overpowered; defeated; vanquished.

Apgalēti (-galiu, -lējau, -lēsiu), v. a. to overpower; to defeat; to subdue; to conquer; to vanquish.

Apgalētojas, f. -ja, s. conqueror; victor.

Apgamas, -o, sm. mole; natural spot.

Apganyti (-nau, -niau, -nysiu), v. a. to waste by grazing upon.

Apgarsinimas, -o, sm. proclamation; publication; promulgation; announcement; advertisement.

Apgarsinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to proclaim; to publish; to announce; to advertise.

Apgarsintojas, f. -ja, s. proclaimer; publisher.

Apgaudinējimas, -o, sm. cheating; defraudation; cozenage.

Apgaudinēti (-nēju, -nējau, -nēsiu), Apgaulioti (-lioju, -liojau, -liosiu), v. frq. Apgauti (-gaunu, -gavau, -gausiu), v. a. to cheat; to deceive; to defraud; to outwit.

Apgaudinētojas, f. -ja, s. cheater; cozener.

Apgaulioti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apgaulis, -io, sm. cheat, cozenage; deceit.

Apgauti, see [[A Dictionary of the Lithuanian and English Languages/#|]].

Apgavējas, f. -ja, Apgavikas, f. -kē, s. cheater; cozener; impostor; deceiver; cheating rascal.

Apgavikiškas, f. -ka, defin. -kasis, f. -koji, adj. fraudulent; deceitful; delusive. ‖ –kai, adv. fraudulently: deceitfully.

Apgavikiškumas, -o, sm. deceitfulness.

Apgavimas, -o, sm. cheating; cheat.

Apgavingas, f. -ga. defin. -gasis, f. -goji, adj. fraudulent; deceitful. ‖ –gai, adv. fraudulently; deceitfully.

Apgavingumas, -o, sm. deceitfulness.

Apgavystē, -ēs, sf. cheat; deceit; cozenage; imposture; knavery.

Apgēdinimas, -o, sm. ashaming; shaming; confusing.

Apgēdinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), v. a. to shame; to put to shame; to make one ashamed.

Apgeibti (-bstu, -bau, -hsiu), v. n. to faint; to fall into a swoon.

Apgēlos, , sf. pl. a feast because of the baptism of a child.

Apgerbas, -o, sm. dress; clothes; garment.

Apgerbti (-biu, -biau, -bsiu), v. a. to dress; to clothe; to invest; [išpuošti] to adorn; to decorate.

Apgesinti (-nu, -nau, -nsiu), Apgesyti (-sau, -siau, -sysiu), v. a. to deaden; to extinguish; to quench; to slake. — troškulį, to slake the thirst.

Apgesti (-gendu, -gedau, -gesiu), v. n. to be spoiled a little. 2. — (-gestu, -gesau, -gesiu), v. n. to cease to burn; to go out; fig. to die away.