Page:Life, transactions, & execution of Thomas Connor and Bell M'Menemy.pdf/8

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Wm. Baird and Walter Blair, robbery
Matthew Clydesdale, murder, and Simon Ross,
Alex. Robertson, housebreaking and theft
Rob M'Kinlay, Hunter Guthrie, John Forbes, &
Wm. Buchanan, housebreaking and theft
John Buchanan, murder
Richard Smith, bousebreaking
Jas. Wilson, treason (hanged and beheaded)
Daniel Grant, Peter Crosbie, John Connor, and
Thos. M‘Colgan, housebreaking and robbery
William Leonard Swan, forgery
Malcolm M'Intyre, William Paterson, and James
Dyer, housebreaking
William Campbell, housebreaking and theft
Thomas Donnachy,   do.     do.
John M‘Donald & James Wilson, do. do.
Evnnes Cain, robbery, & George Laidlaw, theft
David Wylie, housebreaking and theft
Wm. M'Teague, uttering forged notes
John M‘Creevie, housebreaking and theft
William Divan, murder
James Stevensou, highway robbery
James Dollan, street robbery
Andw. Stewart & Edward Kelly, street robbery
James Glen, murder
T. Connor & Bell M'Menemy, assault & robbery

1818, June

1818, Nov.
1819 April

1819, Nov.
1819, Nov. 17
1820, May 31
1820, Aug. 3

1820, Nov. 8
1821, June 5

1821 Oct. 24
1822, May 29
1822, June 5
1823, June 4
1823, Oct, 29
1823, Nov. 12
1824, May 19
182 ,June 2
1824, July 21
1825, June 1
1826, June 7
1826, Nov. 1
1827, Dec. 12
1828, Oct. 22

Thomas Aikenhead, for denying the Trinity, &e, was executed at the Gallowlee, on the 8th Jenuary, 1697.

John Ogilvie, a Catholic, was tried in 1615, before the Protestant Magistrates of Glasgow, for saying of Mass, &c. He was found guilty, and hanged that same afternoon! Such was the liberality of our Protestant ancestors.


Aison Pearson, was strangled and burned in May, 1588. Janet Grant and Janet Clark, were burned in August, 1590. The last person who was brought to the stake in Scotland, was condemmed by Capt. David Ross, Sheriff-depute of Sutherland in 1722. The devil has never been seen in Scotland since.