Page:Life Amongst the Modocs.djvu/214

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the men seemed to be gathering his legs under him I will not ask you not to mention this little affair. That is safe enough. You gents will be the last men on earth to mention it. But I give you my word that it shall never be mentioned by us, never, so long as you do not attempt to molest this man. Make the least attempt against him, or any one here, and you shall be made the laughing-stock of your town."

The men looked at each other with hope. They had expected to die on the spot.

" It s your pot, Prince, take it down. You hold the papers, called us on a dead hand, you did, but this was no bluff of mine. The only mislead made was not to chain you down too, like a dog, as you deserve to be."

The Prince coloured. u If you had not chained this man," he said at last, quietly, " perhaps you could have taken him with you. The only mistake you made was to chain any man at all. Chain a man that could not stand on his feet ! You deserve to be shot ; and if you repeat yourself, I will let Klamat scalp you where you sit."

The Indian arose with his hand on his knife. There was a fierce satisfaction in his face. He had suffered too much through the night, through the winter, through the year, to feel like trifling now. The Indian boy had no other idea than the death of the men. He certainly looked blank amazement when, an hour later, the Prince, after discharging their arms, and emptying their catenas of ammuni-