Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/156

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tendon (Fig. 4<S). The following are the measurements, in a typical case, of the different parts of the preparation.

Fig. 48 — Experimental arrangement for study of variation of conductivity of nerve by the directive action of an electric current, n «', nerve; S, point of application of stimulus in the middle or indifferent region.

Length of spine between the electrode and the nerve =40 mm. ; length of nerve=90 mm. ; length of muscle = 50 mm.; length of tendon=30 mm. Stimulus is applied in all cases on the nerve, midway between the two elec- trodes this point being at a minimum distance of 100 mm. from either electrode. The point of stimulation is, there- fore, situated at an indifferent region.

Great precautions have to be taken to guard against the leakage of current. The general arrangement for the