Page:Life Movements in Plants.djvu/4

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over human destiny. But it is at such a crisis that men learn to discriminate the Real from the Unreal, so that they can dedicate themselves to the pursuit of Truth which is eternal.

Since the opening of the Institute I have received much encouragement and help from different provinces of India in this national undertaking. My grateful thanks are due to the gentlemen whose first donations have formed the nucleus of an Endowment Fund, and also to Mr. P. C. Lyon, the retired Minister of Education, Government of Bengal, through whose representation the Government have been pleased to make generous grants in furtherance of research. I am indebted to His Excellency Lord Ronaldshay, Governor of Bengal, for the grant of land for necessary expansion and for his interest in the permanence of the Institute. The Government of India. and the Government of Bengal have also sanctioned six Scholarships for Research students of the Institute.

The Government has also kindly undertaken the publication of the Transactions of the Institute to be issued twice a year. Much time had to he given last year in the organization of the Institute. In spite of this a long series of investigations on the phenomenon of plant movements have been completed in the course of the year. Of these the first series is given in the present volume.


October 1918