Page:Life and Teachings of Sri Ramanujacharya.djvu/11

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7- Aiv‘Ar Charilram.

8. Hari Samaya Dipani.

9. The Divya Prabandha.

{To hunsglj). The sly rogue ! He has eKhausted every Tamil work known upon the subject ; why, 1 am sure some of them I have never heard of. {Reads aloud)

10. Divya Sdri Charitram.

11. Sri Bh&shyam.

12. Prapanii 4 mritam.

{To himself 1) The devil ! He has used it ! And I have been moving Heaven and Earth to have a sight of that raraavis These are Samskrita. What next? {Reads aloud.)

13. The Vi^ishtadvaita Catechism.

14. Life of Ramanuja by Govindftcharln.

Author. — Unfortunately that book was sent to me when more than three-fourths of my work was in print ; and I could make very little use of it.

Ndrada. — {with an air of ill-concealed spite) And how pray, did yon get access to all these varied sources and rare ?

Author. — Oh! No secret about it. My respected friend Sathakopa Ramanujacharya — I dare say you know him — the Tamil Pandit of the College here, what do I not owe him ? Ever affiable and obliging to a degree, he placed his valuable library at my disposal and his profound erudition ; he allowed me to draw upon his remarkable memory, the inexhaustible store-house of many a traditional teaching, many a priceless mystery connected with Doctrine and Worship. T cannot enough thank the noble gentleman.

Ndrada. — (to himself) A blessed exhibition have I been making of myself during the last hour — and all for the edification of this irreverent rascal, who took me in with his airs of idiotic vacuity and blank