Page:Life and Teachings of Sri Ramanujacharya.djvu/271

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He then received the Holy Water from the hands of the Master himself and exclaimed in the fullness of his heart :

“ I take my refuge in Thy Holy feet ; and now, my Lord, I would request you to come no farther."

But Ramanuja found it impossible to tear himself away from his beloved ; so he continued to follow Alvan as far as the Northern Cauvery. A.Iv4n noticed this and said humbly but firmly :

“ I will not allow you to come any farther. Nay, I insist upon it. Would you, the Light of the World, unman me and make me forget myself?” He then walked on until he came to a lovely spot, where, seating himself, he turned to his wife and said ;

" Well, my dear, what may you be thinking of just now ? ”

Nothing new, my Lord ; one idea and one only runs in my mind, waking or sleeping, alone or in company — to serve the Lord of my heart to the best of my might.”

Aivan smiled sweetly and spoke to Parasara and his brother Vyasa. You have your Divine Father and Mother who will see that you want for nothing. But take heed that your heart be not puffed up with the pride of having been brought up by the Divine Pair. That will serve you little ; take your refuge, as I do, solely and wholly in the Holy One. Take counsel of your mother in everything ; for she is good and intelligent. Guard yourselves against any offence towards the servants of the Lord, in thought, word or deed. Wait upon them and find favor in their eyes.”

1 He recited the verse ^ which was thenceforth regarded the disciples as the garanigati gloka (Stanza of Refuge) to be recited by a person in his last moments.— (/?. AC.)