Page:Life and Teachings of Sri Ramanujacharya.djvu/331

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the Two Riveis, and prayed that he shonld not be left miserable. The Teacher sent back this characteristic reply:

“ Tell the ignorant one that the Great Haven of Refuge, the Sacred Feet of R&m&nuja, is open to him as to all, to the end of Time. ”

24. When P1U.IN was at SirupputtAr, SomayAji studied the Srt BhAsbya under him thrice ; and when PiUAn was about to leave the place, said to him :

“ Reverend Sir, I live hereabouts and it is not given me to go with you ; point out to me something wherein 1 can take refuge. ”

“ Be it so ” replied PiUAn, “ be not thou elated with pride because thou hast mastered the systems of BhAtta, PrabhAkara and the other MlmAmsas and can skilfully expound the SrlBhAshya; but take thy refuge in the Holy Feet of RAmAnuja.”

24. PiLLAn of G6matha explained the Srt BhAshya thrice to one AcchAn of KAkkayAdi, and finding him proud of his learning, said to him : “ My son, I fear thy g^eat learning will cause thee to commit some grave offence to the Lord’s Elect. So make haste to take thy refuge in the Holy Feet of Srt RAmAnuja.”

25. About ten or twelve Sri Vaishnavas were study- ing the Sri BhAshya under Na^Adoor AmmAl; one day, at the close of a splendid lecture on the teachings of the Master, they gave it out that the Holy One pointed out ' devotmn ’ as the only means of salvation. Then AmmAl spoke to them of the beauty and of the greatness of the Doctrine of Refuge (Prapatti).

“ Verily ” exclaimed they, “ the Holy One must have dx>sen /Am as the easiest and the shortest path.”

    • Then ” replied AmmAl, ** do them take refuge in His

Sacred Feet and attain Life Bteinal.”