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An Enquiry into the Life

atderitings qf Ho M E R. 17

TH ESE, 1‘1; Lord, were the 1114mm: in Homer's Days, andfiu'b we find them in his Writings. 013%: returning in difguil’e to his own Country, was received by his Servant Edmmu, as :1 poor old Man, into his Cottage; and being. quellioncd 1:120 and a'lJer/ce he was, tells this plaufible Tale; “ That he was of

“ Crete, a natural Son of the rcnoWncd Cr:- “ flor, and much beloved by his Father while “ he lived ; but at his Death, his Brothch drove “ him out of the Houfc, and defrauded him " of his lharc ofthc Patrimony: That however, “ his \Vorth and Bravery had procured him a “ rich and honourable Match 1” Thcnhe bids him judge of the Ear by the Stalk; expatintcs a little upon his own martial Charafler, and adds,


Sue/J in the IV”; I flamed Conan} Tail:

And Horlflaold Cares, and bringing up of Children :

But SbtpxwitbSail: zmear: rcy’oic'dm} Soul;

Battles, arid btlrm’jb’d Arms, and glitt'ring Spears,

flying: the?! to other: Terror bring, and ‘Dread.

[Vere my ‘Delég/th; [b God/Jadfirm’driy Heart.

HERB is plainly a Man who pro]? at Pi- racy; and accordingly he tells, that in nine fe- vcral Courfes hc gained {0 much \Vealth,that he

C was
