Page:Life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe (4).pdf/19

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him. I hastily fetched my gun ; and having a short cut d(illegible text) the hill, I clapped myself in the way between the pursuers (illegible text) the pursued, crying aloud to him that fled, and beckoning (illegible text) my hand for him to stop : then rushing at once upon the (illegible text) most, knocked him down with the stock of my piece, and then shot him dead. The poor savage who had fled was so terrified at the noise of my gun, that he stood stock still, but seemed rather inclined to fly than to come towards me. However, when I gave him signs of encouragement, he came nearer.

kneeling down every ten or twelve steps; on his coming close again, he laid his head upon the ground, and placed my foot upon it. He was a well-made handsome fellow, of about twenty-six years of age, of an olive coloured complexion, with long black hair. He had a small nose, that was not flat; and fine teeth,