Page:Life and life-work of Mother Theodore Guerin Foundress.djvu/5

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From Rev. Charles Coppens, S.J.

Rev. dear Mother Superior:

I am indeed very much pleased to learn from your welcome letter that the life of your venerated Foundress is at last to be published. It will do incalculable good for the glory of God and the salvation and perfection of countless souls.

One of the good, the excellent features of this whole book is the solidity of its doctrine. ... As to the book, the more I read it the more I admire your venerable Foundress. It shows her to have been a very superior woman, both in natural gifts and in supernatural virtues. She lived a life of extraordinary union with God and conformity to His holy will; and she practised these virtues under the most difficult circumstances, where they required heroic faith, hope, and charity.

Her wisdom in governing is a fit model for all persons in authority. In a word, the volume when published will be a very precious addition to our sacred literature, exhibiting, as it does, a perfect model of consummate virtue for all classes of the faithful, but especially for religious men and women. Her letters are most precious; I should not like to see any of them omitted.

I hope you will have this excellent work printed without further delay. I thank God that I have been permitted to read it; and I will consider it a great blessing if He allow me to be instrumental in having it published for general edification.

Creighton University, Omaha, Neb.,

November, 1903.
