Page:Life and life-work of Mother Theodore Guerin Foundress.djvu/8

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God; and if only one heart is quickened to a reverent confidence in that loving Providence, to a recognition of Its claims upon our homage and adoration, the object of this task will have been attained.

Grateful acknowledgments are here made to those who have assisted in bringing the work to completion, either by aiding materially or by giving their kind encouragement. Especially to be mentioned are Rev. Charles Coppens, S.J.; Rev. Walter Hill, S.J.; Rev. James McGovern, D.D., and Rev. Joseph Chartrand.

The writer declares her submission to holy Church in all its teachings, and assigns to the words "saint," "blessed," and the like no other meaning than that which is authorized by the Holy Apostolic See.

St.-Mary-of-the- Woods, Feb. 2, 1904.