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Containing Thirty new additional Paſſages.

I.IN the year 1666, when the Lord's perſecuted and oppreſſed people were gathered together for their own defence, who were broken at Pentland-hills, he, with Mr. Welch and the laird of Glorover, in the pariſh of Balentrea, were riding together in the ſame pariſh, and met upon the way a party of the enemy's horſe, and no eviting of them, the laird fainted, fearing they would all be taken. Mr Peden ſeeing this, ſaid, "Keep up your courage and confidence, for God hath laid an arreſt upon theſe men, that they ſhall not harm us." When they met, they were courteous, and aſked the way: Mr Peden went off the way, and ſhewed the ford of the water of Tit. When he returned, the Laird ſaid, "Why did you go with them? You might have ſent the lad with them" He ſaid, "No, no, it was more ſafe for me; for they might have asked queſtions at the lad; and he might have fainted and diſcovered us. For myſelf, I knew they would be like the Egyptian dogs, they would not move a tongue againſt me; for my hour of faliing into their hands, and the day of trial, is not come, that is abiding me" There is an old Chriſtian gentlewoman, yet alive in Edinburgh, a daughter of the ſaid Laird's, who told me of late, that ſhe had ſeveral times heard her father give an account of this. She alſo told me, that ſince Bothwel-bridge fight, ſhe heard him preach in the fields, in the foreſaid pariſh; and a woman ſitting before the tent, looking up to him, he ſaid, "How have you the confidence to look up? Look down to hell, where you are going; the devil has a faſt grip of you, and will not loſe it." That woman lived and died under the mala fama of a witch, and preſumptions of the ſame.

2. About the year 1670, he was in Armagh, in Ireland, one John Goodale, with his wife, two ſerious, zealous Chriſtians, living in Armagh, who had gone from