Page:Life and prophecies of that faithful minister of God's word, Mr. Donald Cargill.pdf/29

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And I have ſometimes heard the worthy Mr. Shields ſay, when he ſpoke of his travels through the world, “That the ill of Scotland he found every where, but “the good of Scotland he found no where."

When the ſermon was ended and children baptized, there came up more children. Friends preſt him to preach in the afternoon, contrary to his inclination; which he did, upon that text, Weep not for me, when praying, there came a herd lad, crying, “The enemies are coming upon you. They had out no ſentinels that day, which was not their ordinary, they were ſo ſurpriſed, that ſome that had been at Pentland, Bothwell, and Airdsmoſs, and in other great dangers were ſo ſeized with fear, ſome of the women threw their children from them, and Mr. Cargill in the confuſion was running ſtraight upon the enemy. Gavin Wotherſpoon and other friends griped him, and hall'd him into the moſs to which the people filed; alſo the dragoons fired hard upon them, but there were none either killed or taken that day. The ball went thro' Patrick Foreman's hair but his head was fate, his hour not being yet come, and that neither the time nor place he was to die.

About this time fome ſpoke to him, that he preach- ed and prayed ſhort; who faid, “O Sir, 'tis long betwixt meals, and we are in a ſtarving condition : And it is good, ſweet, and wholeſome which ye deliver; but why do you ſtraiten us ſo much for ſhortneſs? He ſaid, cver fince I bowed a knee in good earneſt to pray, I never durſt pray and preach with my gifts; and where my heart is not affected, and comes not up with my mouth, I always thought it time for me to quit it: What comes not from my heart, I have little hope that it will go to the heart of others." Then repeated theſe ſentences of the li Pſalm, Then will I teach tranſgreſors thy way, and ſinner's ſhall be converted unto thee. When was this then? Juſt when he had the experience of the foreſaid things. If all this were ſtudied and practiſed, there would be fewer