Page:Life and transactions of Mrs Jane Shore (1).pdf/21

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then walk bare footed and bare headed in her ſhirt before her proceſſion, with a croſs and a wax-taper in her hand through Cheapſide, which ſhe did, looking ſo lovely in her bluſhes, that many pitied her; he alſo ſtripped all her friends and relations of whatever they had, pretending they had got it all by her means from the crown, in King Edward’s reign; which with the diſgrace their only daughter had fallen into, cauſed her parents’ death.

Richard not content with this, put out a ſevere proclamation to this effect. That on the pain of death, and confiſcation of goods, no one ſhould harbour her in their houſes, nor relieve her with food or raiment. So that ſhe went wandering up and down to find her food upon the buſhes and on the dung-hills where ſome friends ſhe had raised, would throw bones with more meat than ordinary, and cruſts of ſtale bread in the places where ſhe generally haunted, and a baker, who had been condemned