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Kinsey, Life Histories of American Cynipidæ

positing in Q. alba buds, April 22, 1889." Moreover, my own experience with C. clavula leads me to doubt the correctness of Riley's report. I know of no published dates of the emergence of that species but, having collected many hundreds of the galls. examining them for enclosed larvae or adults regularly for a couple of years, I have found nothing to suggest that the imago emerges before the middle or last of July, at which time (July 27) I have been successful in obtaining several adults. Mr. Lewis H. Weld and Wm. Beutenmüler have kindly confirmed my experience by similar records from their own observations, July 12 to July 30 being the emergence dates from their breedings. It is not likely that Riley's insects, found ovipositing three months earlier than clavula emerges, could be that species. I have no doubt that there is an error in Riley's report and that Bassett's observations of this species are. correct.

Andricus operator (Osten Sacken)

Range.—Canada: Ottawa (Beutenmüller). Massachusetts: Boston (Clarke); Blue Hills, Sharon; Springfield (Stebbins). Rhode Island: Providence (Thompson). Connecticut: Waterbury (Bassett). New York: Sullivan Co. (Beutenmüller); Staten Island (W. T. Davis). New Jersey: Plainfield, New Brunswick, Milltown, Davis, Hornerstown (in Coll. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.). Pennsylvania (Beutenmüller). District of Columbia (Osten Sacken). Illinois (Walsh).

Andricus operator form operator (Osten Sacken)
Plate XXXI, Figure 32

Cynips quercus operator Osten Sacken, 1862, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., I, p. 256.

Cynips q. operator {{Smallcaps|Basstt, 1863, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., II, p. 332; 1864, idem, III, pp. 197, 198. Walsh, 1864, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., II, p. 494. Bassett, 1873, Can. Ent., V., pp. 91, 93, 94; 1877, Can. Ent., IX, p. 121. Riley, 1873, Amer. Nat., VII, p. 519. Howard, 1882, Psyche, III, p. 329. Packard, 1890, 5th Report U. S. Ent. Comm., p. 11.

Cynips operator Osten Sacken, 1865, ProC. Ent. Soc. Phila., IV, pp. 341, 346, 350, 357.

[No name] Basset, 1880, Can. Ent., XII, p. 170.

Andricus (Callirhytis) operator Mayr, 1881, Gen. Gallenbew. Cynip., p. 28. Bassett, 1882, Amer. Nat., XVI, p. 246. Ashmead, 1885, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XII, p. 294. Packard, 1890, 5th Report U. S. Ent. Comm., p. 105. Vierick, 1916, Hymen. Conn., p. 429.

Callirhytis operator Ashmead, 1885, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XII, p. 304; 1887, idem, XIV, p. 131. Packard, 1890, 5th Report U. S. Ent. Comm., p. 110. Riley, 1895, Sci., I, p. 463. Dalla Torre and Kieffer, 1902, Gen. Ins., Hymen., Cynip., p. 66. Stebbins, 1910, Springfield (Mass.) Mus. Bull., II, p. 25, fig. 47. Smith, 1910, Ins. N. J., p. 601. Thompson, 1915, Cat. Amer. Ins. Galls, pp. 11, 30, P1. II, fig. 169. Felt, 1918, N. Y. State Mus. Bull., CC, p. 72.

Andricus operator Dalla Torre, 1893, Cat. Hymen., II, p. 92. Bassett, 1900, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXVI, p. 315. Felt, 1906, Ins. Aff. Pk. and Woodl Treew, II, pp. 618, 622, 713.