Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/168

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read at home, and what, she answered that she did; that she read "Matthew, and Psalms, and Scripture history, and Spiritual Milk.'” She told us too, with much simplicity, that when sick at home she loved Christ, and often thought of him; that she was going to die, but was not afraid, because Christ died for her. How astonishing to us, the thought that this poor diseased child, now pining away, almost destitute of food and clothing, in a miserable hut on the shores of heathen India, might soon be casting a crown of gold at the feet of her Saviour God in the kingdom of glory!

It was but a few days after this that her mother came to ask us for money to bury her daughter. Little Sevaley was dead. Released from sin, sorrow, and suffering, she had gone, we trust, to that world where the inhabitant shall no more say, I am sick. Females of America! it is not in vain that Christian women dwell among the heathen! Remember your happy lot, and do what you can for the daughters of sin and sorrow in other lands. And, youthful reader, let me ask you, will this little child in the judgment rise up as a witness against you, and ask, Why you, in this Chris-