Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/195

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of Christianity, and as they said, to make "the padrés soon retreat from the country.” As a specimen of the style of argument employed, we may give a paragraph or two from “The Dawn of True Wisdom,” written by their poet and editor, Kathirvelan:—“ Luther, in order to fill his stomach of a span long, gratify his lust, give vent to his indecent rage, and indulge in drunkenness of stinking liquor, fabricated a book, called it the Bible, and sent it abroad into the world. Through revenge it was that the vile sinner sent it abroad into the world. In order to cast a great number of people into hell, he gave them a new religion, and threw a stumbling-block in the way of wise men of many sects. It is a religion full of ten millions of devils, a religion which makes many people catch many more; a religion which destroys the inhabitants of the world. If, my friends, you fall into this religion of the Christians, who have already proved the ruin of their own families, you will surely have to roam about with a beggar's hand and cup. If you fix and detain the Triune and Eternal one, who is called Vishnu, Brahma, and Siva, in a post, a water-jar, or an image, and believe with all the affection of your heart that the idol itself is very God, you will