Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/321

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ways of salvation, seemed as much delighted as though the system exposed was not that which they had been taught to hold sacred from their earliest years. Nor was it all negative work. Said one man, “You show us the folly of Hinduism; now give us books to prove your own religion to be true;" thus of himself inviting the commendation of the gospel to his conscience as the way of salvation. “Since you have been here,” they told us, “nothing has been talked of but religion.”

May these transient efforts soon be followed by the permanent labours of some who shall give themselves to the work of the Lord among the heathen of this region.


The Hindus have many holy places; that is, places where the temples are large and famous, where there are idols supposed to possess especial power and value, to worship which great numbers of devotees resort from distant portions of the country; places where hordes of Brahmins congregate; where sin