Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/374

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and known as Maravers, are also distinct from other classes of Hindus. They are, by profession, thieves. They are found very useful, however, as watchmen. If you reside in Tinnevelly, you can insure your property against theft by the employment of one of them in this capacity. Going to a head man among them, you engage one of his men to live upon your premises as a guard, for two rupees (one dollar) a month. The head man now becomes responsible for your property, and if anything is stolen, he is bound to make it good. Being thus under his guardianship, none of his men molest you; and should others of a different clan steal from you, he would probably make reprisals, and obtain satisfaction by sending his followers to commit a theft on some premises under their care.

The venerable Schwartz, amid his labours at Tanjore and Trichinopoly, turned southward to preach the gospel in Tinnevelly. His labours were attended with success; but they were not followed up, and for want of nurture the seed sown, though it sprang up most promisingly, yielded but little fruit. In the year 1820, Mr. Rhenius, a Prussian in the employ of the English Church Missionary Society, one of the