Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/401

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memoir we are indebted for the facts here given, which are full of instruction to the thoughtful reader. Truly, we have reason to bless God that it is in our power, while surveying the degradation and heathenism of India, to present a picture so cheering of the life and death of a Hindu pastor; and to have an illustration of the power of God by the most unthought-of means to raise up those who, on their own soil, in their own language, under their own sun, and among their own countrymen, shall spread the good news of salvation with a facility to which the foreigner must necessarily be a stranger.

Religion of the Hindus.

Although facts illustrative of the religious views and practices of the Hindus occur in the preceding pages, a more connected and definite account of their system will be desired by some of our readers.

The subject is one of great extent, for it treats of the religion of many nations, now forming an empire of more than a hundred