Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/462

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that India will be thus subdued to Christ by the efforts of a host of native preachers of the gospel, trained and, for the present, led by strangers from Christian lands. The church will greatly mistake her duty if, in her missionary labours in Hindustan, she neglects to raise up Hindus to go forth and conquer the land in the name of the Lord of Hosts.

The town of Bangalore is distinct from the fort, and contains 100,000 inhabitants. Of these, 60,000 inhabit the pettah, and 40,000, chiefly Tamil people, live in a separate quarter, and are mainly supported by trafficking with the troops. The inhabitants of the pettah, or walled town, are purely Canarese, with a language distinct from the Tamil, though allied to it, the language of the ancient realm of Canara. Its walls are merely a mud embankment within a ditch, and could make little resistance to an enemy; yet, as they still stand, the visitor can only enter through the gates. On going in at one of these gateways to visit the place, (for all foreigners live without the walls in houses surrounded by gardens,) the first thing that struck me was an idol-temple on the left hand, with a grog-shop on the right. Thus, as though fearing that idolatry would be uprooted by the