Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/47

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structed in the way of everlasting life. If you are received by the men, you can arrange with them on the hour of your visits. Your visits must be with the watch below, and not interfere with ship's duty.

“Wishing you success in all your labours,

I remain, very respectfully,

Yours, &c.”

How could we but exclaim—“What hath God wrought!” Those only could appreciate our feelings of joy and wonder, who had been like us shut up with an isolated company of their fellow-beings, within the narrow limits of a merchantman for near a hundred days. What could more plainly show the power of God over the hearts of men! If you would know our emotions, when, after this first visit to the forecastle, two of our number reported that they were gladly received by the men, read, as we did, the 126th Psalm:—

“When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for