Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/485

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more certain will be the failure of Protestant missionaries, who do not allow the natives such indulgence! While we agree with him that the preaching of Roman Catholicism has been a failure as to changing the hearts, and lives even, of their converts, and would also concede that, if the work were of man, Protestantism would have very few attractions for sensual and degraded Hindus, we do not fear for the issue. Our confidence is not in man, but in God. With the influences of the Holy Spirit, the gospel can and will change the hardest heart and attract the most sottish soul. Of this the history of Christian missions furnishes abundant proof. The history of the triumphs of the gospel will show to the world that though with man the conversion of a vast nation of idolaters is impossible, with God all things are possible.

Palhully is now the residence of an English family, who are engaged in the business of refining sugar for the market in Madras, as well as for exportation to England. In this retired spot we found a refined and Christian family circle, and were entertained for a day and a night with Christian hospitality.

The manufacture of sugar by the natives is very rude, and leaves it in a state that renders
