Page:Life in India or Madras, the Neilgherries, and Calcutta.djvu/99

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sacred and far-famed banyan, sending down from its branches long fibrous roots, to become in their turn trunks supporting the parent branch. The houses are many of them magnificent dwellings, combining the height and comfort of English homes with the porticos, Venetians, terraces, and balustrades of the East; nor do they give a false idea of the mode of life of the Englishman in India, combining, as it does, the luxuries of two hemispheres, and grafting the furniture, equipage, meats, and wines of Old England, upon the stock of Oriental ease and elegance.

Chintadrepettah Schools.

A new-comer at Chintadrepettah would hardly fail, when seated at breakfast, to ask the meaning of the hum and hubbub from without that saluted his ears; and on being answered, would conclude that there must be strong lungs among the pupils of the mission schools. Such, certainly, was our conclusion when we heard the clamour of youthful voices; nor was it unfounded, for few spots can exceed in noise