Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/174

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behind it, runs the sharp-pointed chain of the Dedari and Widadaren, signifying the "dwelling of fairies." On the left of the Batok, partially lost in volumes of its own smoke, groans the Bromok, perfectly nude of vegetation, and, like all its companions in the cluster, presenting a black, charred appearance. The Batok, indeed, contrasts favourably with the other hills, more than three parts of it being apparently covered with grass.

Having seen thus much, we descended by a very steep path excavated out of the mountain, leading to the Dasar. We found the declivity very tiresome and fatiguing to our ponies, and most uncomfortable for ourselves, as, spite of all precaution on our part, the poor animals would slip sometimes, and but for a tight rein they must have fallen, throwing the riders over their heads. The earth on both sides of us was composed of clay and sand, veined with lines of chalk; but by the time we had nearly