Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/280

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side, and on the banks, many so delicate in appearance that you might fancy the slightest shower would wash them away, root and all.

The Passangrahan at Ngantang is visible from the road long before the traveller reaches it. The path to it winds through a forest, and the river, which has accompanied you at intervals so far, now falls into the beautiful valley to your left; and you look down on a shallow ravine, gradually opening into lakes of sawahs.

The trees on each side, as we passed through the forest, were of gigantic height, festoons of creepers, and many-leaved orchids, bright with flowers, hanging to their branches and clinging to their bark.

The bungalow is said to be situated 1,700 feet above the level of the sea, and the view from it is very fine. In the grounds I saw a large slab circularly finished at the top, with the curious unintelligible Kawie characters below—a singular