Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/316

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good spirits for the growth of the grain, and on that day I would on no account kill a tiger seen near the spot, as it might bring a darakha (a curse) upon me."

By the time we reached our hotel it was quite dark, as, on account of many little unforeseen difficulties, we had been much longer on the road than we had anticipated.

Blitar is less than half a day's journey from Kedirie, and is a delightful excursion for those who care for beauty of scenery. The neighbourhood is lovely, and the view of Kloet and Kresi forms quite a superb panorama. From here it is but nine paals further to Panatharan, where are to be seen many tombs of old kings and chiefs, some of which are well worth a visit; and at Tologo, three paals distant from Panatharan, there is a Swisslooking village surrounded by mountains, with the ruins of an ancient temple close to the margin of a small lake.