Page:Life in Java Volume 1.djvu/67

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and their own agents in different towns, of the impending danger; at the same time advising them on no account to allow any indications of the fact, that the plot had been discovered, to become known to the conspirators.

All, therefore, went on as usual till the night preceding the one fixed for the massacre. On that night nearly all the conspirators had met for the last time to concert their final measures, "Be ready an hour before daybreak," were Elberfeld's parting words, as he stood by his door ready to close it when the last of his accomplices had gone forth. But already the troops sent out to secure the conspirators had surrounded the house. Before the last man had left their place of meeting, a clashing of swords, and the loud report of fire-arms, were heard. "We are betrayed!" cried Elberfeld; "escape those who can!" This, however, was now impossible; for even while Elberfeld and his fellow-conspirators were debating in